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Catchy Ideas For Students Who Got Stuck With Homework

At some point, everyone has had some difficulties with a given type of homework. You may be a good student but your teacher may try to test your level of knowledge by setting you tricky homework questions. If you say “I want to do my math homework without any external support”, you will get stuck. However, it is possible to manage your work as needed if you read and master the pieces of advice that have been provided below.

Much homework

A researcher at Stanford discovered that when kids take home a lot of homework, it negatively affects kids. It affects their lifestyle at their homes, whereby free time, friends, and family matter. The research results indicated that the impact of homework opposes the assumption that homework is fundamentally sound.

The purpose of the research was to examine how students perceive homework, engagement of students behaviorally, and students' well-being. From ten high schools that were high performing, they chose some four thousand three hundred seventeen students. The researchers used clear answers ended to survey the views of students on homework.

The median household income surpassed ninety thousand dollars, and the percentage of students who went to college, either four-year or two-year, was ninety percent. Students who went to these particular schools did homework that would take about three hours every night. The research findings show how the current practices of doing homework in schools that are high performing, privileged sustain the advantage of students in competitive climates. Yet, they hinder learning, the well-being, and the full engagement of the students.

The research found out that a lot of homework can be less productive, and it can also reduce its effectiveness.

The research found out that a lot of homework leads to the following;

Health reductions

The study found out that the students who did a lot of homework were deprived of sleep and had other health complications. In the research, students needed to tell if they also experienced health complications like sleep deprivation, loss of weight, exhaustion, headaches, and stomachache.

A lot of stress.

The research discovered that fifty-six percent of the students who did a lot of homework experienced a lot of stress.

Less time with/for family and friends.

Students who did a lot of homework did not have time to spend with their families, friends and this meant that they were not cultivating other life skills that were critical and hindered the need to be developmental. In most cases, students would forfeit seeing family or friends and not utilizing their free time for their hobbies that they enjoy.

The paradox of high-performance.

In areas where students go to schools that perform highly, a lot of homework reduces the students' time to build up skills of being responsible. Young students spend a lot of time alone, which implies that they have little time for their families and less time engaging in and with their communities.

The perspectives of the students.

Although the researchers' methods to gauge students' concerns about homework also have its limitations, students might have seen this research as an opportunity to complain. But this research was vital to at least learn what students believe about homework.

The act of balancing.

The research outcomes found out that students find it hard to balance extracurricular activities, homework, and time to interact socially. Many students feel forced to go and do their homework instead of nurturing other skills or talents. According to the research, we also found out that there wasn't any relationship between how much students enjoyed doing homework and how much time the student spent on doing it.


As the saying goes, "too much of everything is bad," schools should balance, giving a lot of homework to students and their free time. Institutions should make a step of making sure that kids have a good balance work and playtime.
